Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Making a Yo-Yo

Yo-Yo Boy writes: If you have a box or two around the house, try making a yo yo. You will need the cardboard, string and a small pencil. Put them together and before you know it you'll have a yo-yo. Make one today.

Yo-Yo Momma:
Okay, for those of you that don't want to spend $5-$20 on a yo-yo you can actually create your own and save money. Using a piece of cardboard cut out two circles, these will be the sides of the yo-yo. Now, you'll need a really tiny pencil. You know the type that in school you'd shave down your pencil to a really small size? That's the size you need. Tie your string around the center of the pencil and roll it up. Now start practicing some yo-yo tricks.

Tags: , , crafts

Monday, July 17, 2006

Yo Yo in the News: Child gets Stabbed by a Store Clerk

Yo-Yo Mama and I, were reading an article about a teen boy that got stabbed for not purchasing a yo-yo. The boy claimed that the yo-yo was already out of the box, but he was playing with it. He didn't want to buy it since it was out of the box. When he was leaving the store the owner told him he had to buy it since he'd touched it. The boy refused to buy it and the clerk punched him, the boy still refused and the clerk stabbed him with a butcher knife.

Yo-Yo Mamma asked me, what the story taught me.

The story taught me not to touch anything in a store unless I was going to buy it. I definitely don't want stabbed.,2933,202962,00.html

Tags: , stabbing

Yo-Yo Intro-

This site is all about Yo-Yoing and it is from my 9-year-old son's creation. He asked to have a blog on yo-yos and I've granted it to him. Please feel free to comment, but keep in mind that Homemom3 will always be reading them first. He loves comments and loves news about yo-yos. Have a Yo-Yoing fun time!

Son says, "Keep that Yo-Yo going!"

In this blog my son's name will be Yo-Yo Boy and I'm the Yo-Yo-Mama.

Tags: , Yo-Yoing