My papa just sent me a YoMega Smart yo-yo in the mail. He loves yo-yos and got me to like them too. I play with it all the time and learn new tricks every day.
The smart yo-yo can go up into the air, hey guys it doesn't get stuck like most yo-yos that's what I like about it. I don't even have to pull up on it to bring it back.
Yomega Power Brain Yo-Yo - Orange
I recommend this yo-yo to anyone trying to learn, it would be perfect for a beginner. Maybe I should have my papa get one for my sister. She always wants mine.
If you want to buy one of the yo yos its only $5 each. These yo yos can sleep for 6-10 seconds.
That sounds great...have fun with it!
That looks like a really awesome yo-yo! I might have to get me one of those!
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